
The views represented here are mine and I hope to add a little bit of humor to our sad state of affairs.

My Address is http://timsscaredstiff.com

Opinions are Welcomed but keep it civil.

Trying to Make a Difference

Tim's Scared Stiff This is where you can go for Politics, current news and opinion.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Holy fuck Me (By Melissa)

So, so, so, I just can't get over this. Franklin Graham got uninvited to the prayer breakfast at the MUTHA FUCKIN Pentagon. I know I'm not a bright gal, but holy fuck me, they have a prayer breakfast at the place where we figure out how to kill people. Frank thinks Islam is evil or some shit. Who the fuck cares what this ass hole thinks. Fuck him. But fuck us, we put up with a prayer fucken breakfast at the gawd damn pentagon.
I'm lost in my anger and my sadness.

Note: Franklin Graham is the Son of Billie Graham.


Ranch Chimp said...

Um, um, um .... aint that the truth! I never even been to a goddamn prayer breakfast, but would gladly go just to pig out, other than that .... I would wear ear plug's.

Tim said...

Melissa speaks from the heart.
One thing is I always know where I stand with her.
Later RC

Demeur said...

The hipocrisy just amazes me. Ask any Marine what they do just as they sit down to chapel.

jmsjoin said...

I almost forgot to get back to you. I am on the phone with a brother. Check this out, scary as hell. It will take down anything from anywhere and no moving parts. metal storm

Mrsh2o said...

The irony .