
The views represented here are mine and I hope to add a little bit of humor to our sad state of affairs.

My Address is http://timsscaredstiff.com

Opinions are Welcomed but keep it civil.

Trying to Make a Difference

Tim's Scared Stiff This is where you can go for Politics, current news and opinion.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Morning After

Health Care Reform: The Morning After

Many politicians and pundits warned us that the health care reform (HCR) legislation that just became law will destroy America. Government bureaucrats will take over health care decisions, we were told. The old and infirm would be hauled away by death panels. Everything about the way we receive our medical care will change, and change drastically, they said.

Medicare recipients have been frightened by stories that their benefits will be cut. Middle-age people are worried they will lose their jobs when the law’s dreaded regulations, or taxes, or maybe regulations with taxes, would destroy their employers’ businesses.

The truth is, very little will change for most people. If you were insured by employee benefits before HCR, you will be insured by exactly the same policy in exactly the same way after HCR. You will have access to the same doctors on the same terms. “Government bureaucrats” will no more be involved in your health care than they were before.

And the same is true of Medicare, which of course is a government program, although many of the people who opposed the HCR bill don’t seem to know that.

Here are the “cataclysmic” changes to health care that are now in effect, or which will go into effect within the next six months for people who are already in group insurance plans:

• The law says you can’t lose your insurance coverage because you get sick. Before, in many states, if you were stricken with a severe illness such as mesothelioma cancer http://www.maacenter.org/mesothelioma/ that would be expensive to treat, your insurer could use just about any excuse to cancel your coverage. That is over.

• HCR has ended lifetime limits on coverage. As long as you are receiving medical care, your insurer pays the bills.

• Your children can be covered on your existing policy until they are 26 years old.

• In six months, insurers cannot refuse to insure people under the age of 19 because of “pre-existing conditions.” This provision will go into effect for everyone in 2014.

And if you are on Medicare, you will be asked to struggle with the following:

• You get a free annual checkup.

• The co-pays and deductibles on many preventive care services are eliminated.

• If you are in the Medicare D “doughnut hole,” doughnut hole,” doughnut hole,” doughnut hole,” you will get a $250 rebate check in a few weeks. The hole itself will be closed gradually and will be gone by 2020.

But what about all those terrible regulations and taxes that are about to drive businesses out of business? Um, there really isn’t much to report. Oh, wait, here’s one — a 10 percent tax on indoor tanning services that use ultraviolet lamps will go into effect July 1. That’s about it.

However, beginning this year a tax credit will be available for some small businesses to help provide insurance coverage for employees.

Soon the politicians and pundits will start trying to frighten you about the provisions that will go into effect after this year. I assure you they are about as scary as the provisions that go into effect this year, but I will discuss them in a follow-up post.

— Barbara O’Brien


S.W. Anderson said...

It would be so helpful if people would remember clearly who the scaremongers were, remember who lied and distorted health care reform for over a year, every step of the way.

A few years from now, most people, if asked, will think back and probably acknowledge they don't know how they got along without the reforms before 2010. That's how it worked with Social Security and Medicare years after they were passed — over Republican objections and despite Republican/conservative predictions of doom and destruction.

But in some future year when Democrats/liberals undertake to deal with some dire need, after its gone unattended for years, the other side will start the fearmongering, lying and distorting all over again. And all over again, a whole lot of Americans who should remember, who should know better, will let themsevles be suckered.

After nearly a century, the pattern is well established.

Tim said...

Absolutely Right!
I do wonder what these lying bastards
will say when in a few years when confronted with their history.
Opppps! Sorry?
Thanks for dropping by..

Ranch Chimp said...

Good Morning Mr.Tim!

This is a great posting and too the point on this issue. Many of us die hard "public option" folk's like myself were pissed off there wasnt any PO, which deep in my heart if you read any of my posting's on what HCR will amount to, you can see, I wasnt very optimistic of it getting through, basically saying it wouldnt go through. And I was pissed on the 2700 page complexity of the new bill, however, there are several thing's as you pointed that are at least "something" .... and a Hell of alot better than what we had on that avenue. Folk's call me a "commi" or "socialist" because I am for across the board "nationalized universal" health care, like I experienced in Canada, as well as the UK .... you see guy .... I actually trust the "oversight" of the government more than I trust the 21st century profit driven corporation's is all I'm saying. I am very pro business, but also for a fair playing field, what we see in corporate America, especially treating health and human live's as a commidity of sort, and playing it on the market's is what I dont believe should go on.... because it is NOT in human or American's interest, and is NOT fair business, nor should be treated as such, it also goes against the principle's of free market. The PO competition would have assured free market, being that if you cant compete, you fail. Which today with these icon's is quite different as far as free market is concerned.

Thank You Sir ........

Tim said...

I have joined forces for some of my post with Barbara O'Brien.
She writes for a few other blogs. Mahablog being one of them. She'll be guesting from time to time.
Later Bro

jmsjoin said...

I understand the insurance industry has already made changes that would have lost them Billions due to reform. The scum will beat it. I just hate this crap! The country and the people do not matter only corporations and the almighty dollar.

Demeur said...

RC I'm with you. I see no need to profit from other peoples' misery. But fear not the public option is not dead. In digging through the bill itself I find that there is a way of getting that PO. In the bill is a provision to let states set up their own public health care system as competition to the for profits. The problem? Washington state has had such a public plan for a couple of years however it is very expensive and only provides minimum coverage, catastrophic events only. I'm sure if more states would provide such plans then it could be turned into a national plan. I believe it will require some type of taxes to fund a national plan. So keep your eyes open because such plans aren't very well advertised.
Lastly there have been a couple of doctors out here who have dropped their insurance companies altogether and gone to a basic monthly plan. You pay so much per month and that covers all the basics. Much cheaper when you eliminate all the insurance company paperwork and BS.

Tim said...

Isn't it amazing to what extent the insurance company's will go.
If needed perhaps they can be prosecuted for obstruction.

Tim said...

Like you and RC I sincerely believe the public option will happen,just a matter of time.

jmsjoin said...

Tim something has to be done. We always appear powerless to get anything right. You have to believe the politicians are inept and complicit and better all be held accountable.

Tim said...

Term limits seem even more plausible then before because we have had enough.

Ranch Chimp said...

Mr.Demeur: Thanx for the info, I didnt know that, or much for that matter as far as the whole HCR subject, and only dread of having to read 2700 page's of shit to comprehend it. In Texas' big cities like Dallas, they have some shit at county hospital's that you can buy, that is a type of insurance, which make's surgeries alot cheaper, and women and children can get shit here, just hard for men to get anything in Texas. Also Texas has a strong republican voting population, place's like Dallas County are mostly democrat these day's as well as Houston's Harris Conty, or San Antonio's Bexar County, as well as Austin's Travis County, and El Paso. But also there are alot of small cities and town's here, that are right wing. It is easier to get these thing's going in state's such as Washington than here .... you see .... Washington has to "force" alot of shit in Texas to get any damn thing worth while ...."Business" run's this state period. Dallas' metro area is the fouth largest in the country, with close to 7 million folk's, and these thing's are "badly" needed here, because there are alot of poor folk's here as well. I know if Washington dont step in here .... we dont get jack shit!

Ranch Chimp said...

Mr.Tim: O'Brian heh? I'll look forward to checking it out man. I really dont know a hell of alot about blogger's or whose who either. Been online two year's and dont even consider myself a "blogger" in a way maybe. But there are alot of real professional looking source's I noticed ... mine is more like a diary or journal of sort I reckon.

Tim said...

I've a long way to go and am trying to improve. Sources are tough as you know,a lot of contradictions.
I always look forward to reading your post and really enjoy Music time.

jmsjoin said...

Tim I'm all for term limits, something like civilian Politicians along the line of the National Guard might work.

Tim said...

Yeah I think that's how we were supposed to be set up. This Career stuff just breeds corruption and complacency.