
The views represented here are mine and I hope to add a little bit of humor to our sad state of affairs.

My Address is http://timsscaredstiff.com

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Trying to Make a Difference

Tim's Scared Stiff This is where you can go for Politics, current news and opinion.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Odd Couple

I'm talking about Ronald Reagan and Alan Greenspan. I know many of you remember well what was called Voodoo Economics by George Bush. For the sake of being Vice President he ate his words. To bad really,at that juncture in time he told the truth and Reagan's economic policy was bad for the country. While Ronnie was running for President he kept on saying the Democratic policy's have up to that point been Tax and Spend, A term still used quite often today.
And so Reaganomics was born. Borrow and spend. Reagan and Greenspan conspired to rewrite how things were done and are still being done today. Supply side economics was the new catch phrase. For the less schooled it was called trickle down Economics. Their argument was only the rich could supply jobs to the serf's. That would be us. You know it took 200 years for us to get in debt for the first Trillion dollars. Under Reagan it only took 5 years to double it.
As all of us know he cut taxes for the Rich. What some don't know is that he raided the Social Security Fund. In 1982 Reagan made Greenspan chairman Of the National commission on Social Security.
The following year Greenspan enacted a very large hike in payroll taxes in order to Generate surpluses to cover the next 30 years. This hike was NOT used to pay for Social Security but was used to pay for spending of the Administration. Since the Rich weren't paying for their share the working stiff had to pay. Worked well don't you think?
In 1987 Reagan nominated Greenspan to replace Paul Volker as Chairman of the Federal Reserve.
Over the years some caught on to this scam like Senator Danial Moynihan from New York.
Moyihan went after Bush at this point and wanted the Payroll tax reduced to what it was before they got their greedy hands on it. Not so Much.
The thing is their of course, been Presidents after Bush,Clinton,Bush,Bush,and now Obama.
Still to this day not a freaking dime goes into the fund that was set up to keep Social Security solvent. If the money was never taken out to start with,we would have had over 2.5 Trillion Dollars in it.
I'm telling you, Ronald Reagan was the worst thing to happen to this country. Voodoo economics persist 30 years after. Today he is looked at as if he were a God. I'm surprised they don't rename the country after him.
The United States of Reagan. As far as Greenspan, why the hell is this guy listened to at all. Obama wake the hell up! If you want advice ask Elizabeth Warren and not the clowns advising you now.

My Thanks to Dr.Allen W.Smith Professor of Economics Emeritus at Eastern Illinois University


Ranch Chimp said...

Goddamn Dude .... what a post! This is all a brutal look at the reality, you said a mouthful in just a average length post here. All Reagan was notably great about was that "Tear down this Wall" phrase, and what he did when Gorbi was around too. Which in a way .... was not just great for bringing an end to communism, but great for the corporate market's(instilling the new "corporate communism"), having a huge population now in the playground to play their "trickle down " game .... The fact is that trickle down actually worked at a time, such as post WW2 for instance( when the world produce and trade market consisted of basically EU nation's, Japan and USA, now after year's of these 3rd world nation's taking apart our product's to see how they are made, we have new competition, who are trying to be overtaken now by the mega corp's so they cant be solo in the market's, they do this through so called globalization) in that 1940's thru 1970's era, but then started to deteriorate, after corporate icon's started using money/ capital to dominate government's and force feed globalization on us, but not to make us one big happy familia like many of us think through pop culture propaganda, but to have complete control over the world market's and trade and even to involve more religious mega institution's such as the Vatican. It is so complex and huge, I could write so much on this BS .... but just leave with what you said as being the basic's of the horseshit we are fed .... Thanx!

Tim said...

Thanks for your input. I always love your comments because a lot of thought is put into them. Yeah this post I was kind of proud of. Funny sometimes I put out what I think is shit and I get lots of comments. Other times I put my heart into it and it's hardly noticed.
Thank you my Friend