
The views represented here are mine and I hope to add a little bit of humor to our sad state of affairs.

My Address is http://timsscaredstiff.com

Opinions are Welcomed but keep it civil.

Trying to Make a Difference

Tim's Scared Stiff This is where you can go for Politics, current news and opinion.

Friday, April 9, 2010

The genius of Sean Hannity

Progressive and liberal news people including blogger's, your wrong! You try to inform people with rational observation and reports. People are fucking stupid. They obviously have no memory. They can't even remember the shit about Bush. They think Obama started the wars and he was solely responsible for the Money meltdown. They truly believe Obama in a Kenyan, Socialist, Communist, Nazi, Muslim,Radical who loves jamming things down our throat because that's what blacks do. All together now..I want my country back...Waaaaahh.
The reason people believe Fox and idiots is because of repetition. Hannity on a minute to minute basis goes down the list of talking points in a cadence style. Almost musically. All the fucking talking Gods on the Right have the same talking points.Example..How many times did you hear about Acorn. Acorn the scorn of political bastion. Acorn if you listened to those cocksuckers bash them and lied about them again and again,all night ,all day, months on end. Guess what they were proved innocent of all charges. Yes Fox lied!!!! They showed you partial clips because if they showed you the whole thing it would prove acorn innocent. I don't hear to much about that though on "the government news media". Take advice from Hannity, repeat, repeat repeat.
I run into people everyday who verbatim repeat in exact order talking points from the nut machine. Fox could make people believe George W was the first black president.


Demeur said...

No that was Cheney who happens to be distantly related to Obama or so it's said.

What's the song? "Clowns to the left of me jokers to the right here I am stuck in the middle"...

Tim said...

Ha! Yeah my blood was boiling watching the southern Republican leadership Counsel. All repeating the same shitbag talking points

Ranch Chimp said...

Ole Cheney is "kin" to ole O'Bama(?) .... goddamn! wait till I tell all my kin! :)

Tim said...

yeah their kissing cousins
