
The views represented here are mine and I hope to add a little bit of humor to our sad state of affairs.

My Address is http://timsscaredstiff.com

Opinions are Welcomed but keep it civil.

Trying to Make a Difference

Tim's Scared Stiff This is where you can go for Politics, current news and opinion.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Rules of Engagement not followed

So a camera man along with a group of people were systematical mowed down. This was in 2007. The Apache helicopter crew was filming this. There voices can be heard in the background enjoying savagely cutting these people down. Laughing and just so proud of themselves. Especial was the enjoyment of tearing apart a rescue van with children inside. Crews reaction was to say well to bad they shouldn't be in a combat zone. I've heard retired generals saying hey that's the way it goes. War is hell. Ahhhuh! So it's ok to say that a tripod looks like it could be a weapon. It's ok that only one of the group had a gun,which was and is common practice in Afghanistan. It's ok when it's obvious that the van was there to try and help survivors. It's ok to nearly cut the van in half knowing kids are inside. It's ok to laugh at a Tank running over one of the people you just slaughtered. This is all ok Right? What the Fuck have we become! Were supposed to be the good guys. If this isn't an indictment to bring our God damn troops home what is! What about this cover up and the fact it just came out now without the military's approval. How many more "films" are out there. I'm of course not saying all our troops are unfeeling gangsters but it's obvious they exist. Again I say what the fuck...Sad for all of us.....
Please Mr. President....bring our troops home before it's to late........


Ranch Chimp said...

I was against the Iraq War since day one Tim .... I dont believe in interfering with folk's business in these countries which are just corporate manuevered and manufactured war's to get strategic advantage's, cheap labour, and off shore investment's with western tax haven's, it's all business ... yet the masses are so ignorant on these issue's, and cheer, thinking it's about freedom or some shit, most folk's wouldnt even know what to do if they were truely free ... sad but true. It's no wonder we have all the problem's we do in these region's, I would never go into these places, or would have set up the state of Israel (and my grandma Thora who raised me as a boy was one of the Jews that left Germany). This was about 2 thing's primarily.... Bush hated Hussein to begin with because he threatened his dad year's back, so son Bush didnt like the sob to begin with, which I dont blame him, then Hussein was sitting on approx. 30% of the world's oil reserve's, and only sold on the "black market" through off countries in Africa or such ... the oil industry (intl) dont like folk's that are not team player's, the WMD and chemist he had on the payroll was apparently a bluff because he was in the middle of a pitbull arena, and enemies with folk's like Iran. My nephew is still over in the MF.My nephew's dad was born and raised in Iran, and fled due to political persecution during the late 1970's revolution, he married a white American Texas gal, turned christian, and his son joined the Marine's and was deployed to Iraq. My neice in Oceanside(CA) will graduate high school this year, and already enlisted in the Army..... and is fixin to get ready for deployment by fall 2010. My wife also fled Iran with my brother in law in the 1970's revolution from Tehran .... that is where she lived and worked before coming to America .... I met her on a bus when visiting in NYC, and told her to drop by Texas sometime, her visa expired .... and we had to get a lawyer, or she had to get married, so there we were.

Later Guy .........

Tim said...

Most Fascinating life. I would love to have an opportunity to set down have a beer or two and shoot the shit.
Think about a book someday...