
The views represented here are mine and I hope to add a little bit of humor to our sad state of affairs.

My Address is http://timsscaredstiff.com

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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Could you be any worse than you are............

El-Rushbo (Rush Limbaugh) said on his Fridays show that The Volcanic Eruption in Iceland was God's response to the passage of Health Care.
He told his lemmings that a few days ago Obama came out and pointed out the world survived the passage of the Bill. He said the birds were out and singing and no asteroids were heading our way. He also said the Earth didn't open up.

Of course fat boy slim pointed out the Earth did indeed open up.
Rush also said "I don't know whether it's a rebirth or Armageddon, hopefully it's a rebirth..
Since all I heard was a clip, I'm thinking it was said tongue and cheek. His drugged up little way to be funny.
Perhaps he's tuned in right to Gawd. After all his talents are on lone from Gawd.


Distributorcap said...

rush hasnt explained how god could like a foreign born socialist african american to be allowed in the white house

i wish he would explode from all the viagra

Limbaugh/Palin the most dangerous people alive today

Tim said...

I guess Rush must think Gawd is a prankster.