
The views represented here are mine and I hope to add a little bit of humor to our sad state of affairs.

My Address is http://timsscaredstiff.com

Opinions are Welcomed but keep it civil.

Trying to Make a Difference

Tim's Scared Stiff This is where you can go for Politics, current news and opinion.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My Son The Artist

Inquire about prices or Custom Pieces.


Tom Harper said...

That's really cool. I hope he can support himself with his art.

Tim said...

Your kidding, that's what Daddy's for. He's got two more years to go for his Masters. Then he can take care of the old Man.
This summer his Band is touring Europe. No money for that either but lots of memories I'm sure. I'll tell him you liked his work.

Ranch Chimp said...

I knew of his music career, but did not of his art/ painting's! Really nice work though I must say, one thing for sure, one of the two either the music or the art will make some living! The way I see it, is his music career can help to promote his painting worx. Really nice piece's though, thank you for posting them Mr.Tim!

Tim said...

Thanks RC
I kind of not post to much on Wed.
Every Wed. I feel like shit.
I work on Tuesdays driving a Bus for old farts. It really knocks me out.
Next day I have a hard time walking and stuff. Today I had another asshole Doctor to go to.. What a Jerk he was. I have boots older than this guy.

Ranch Chimp said...

Heh,heh,heh,heh,heh .... you have boot's older than ole Doc? :) Liked that one! Yeah .... it seem's like damn near everyone I know who has regular frequent schedule's with their doctor's are also on a schlew of prescription's, and alway's sent to see other doctor's or associate's for more "test's" or whatever ... a few I known for year's that are put on this or that prescription, and diet's etc .... look bloody sicker now than they ever did before taking all the shit their put on! Oh well. Drivung a bus for old fart's? Probably better than driving a bus full of lil ratshit kid's chunking shit at each other and bus driver's head! :)

Tim said...

I'm in so much pain it's impossible to put a number on it. Alex my Son came home to help me. He's so big he can just lift me where I have to go.
So I don't think I'll post for a few days. Always like talking with you my friend.

jmsjoin said...

That is really good! He should try to get it out there somewhere. That isn't schlep work.

TomCat said...

He's quite good, Tim.

Ranch Chimp said...

Get it worked on or at least anything you can for the temp pain for now, and try to rest some Mr.Tim ...........

Tim said...

I don't think you realize you are one of my best friends.