
The views represented here are mine and I hope to add a little bit of humor to our sad state of affairs.

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Is this worth dieing over

With some paraphrasing for brevity, here are all 10 questions on the 2010 Census form:

1. How many people were living or staying in this house, apartment or mobile home on April 1, 2010?
2. Were there any additional people staying here April 1, 2010 that you did not include in Question 1?
3. Is this house, apartment or mobile home owned by you or someone in the house with a mortgage? Owned free and clear? Rented? Occupied without payment of rent?
4. What is your telephone number (number to call if an answer is unclear)?
5. Names of the individuals living in the home.
6. Sex of the individual inhabitants of the home.
7. Ages and dates of birth of the individual inhabitants of the home.
8. Are any the individuals living in the home of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin?
9. The race of the individual inhabitants of the home.
10. Do any of the individuals live or stay somewhere else?

Why Should You Fill it Out?
What's the single best reason to fill out and mail back the 2010 Census form? Money.
The census count is used by Congress in deciding how to distribute more than $400 billion annually to state, local and tribal governments. The formula is simple: the greater the population your state or city reports, the more federal money it might get.

A Yuba City woman who was shot and killed after she allegedly brandished a gun at a census worker has been identified as Victoria Roger-Vasselin.

Two Yuba City police officers are on administrative leave after they shot and killed Vasselin after she pulled a gun on a Census taker Thursday.

A census worker knocked on the door of a home in the 700 block of Mariner Loop, and Vasselin and Lionel Patterson, 51, answered the door both holding shotguns. The census worker ran away and called police.

When officers arrived, they ordered Vasselin to drop her gun, but she refused. She was shot and killed by officer

My Thanks to JollyRoger for posting this gem.

You stupid dumb ignorant bastards....Michele Bachmann must be held accountable for this.
For more info click on the following:



Jolly Roger said...

It had to happen; after all, Michele promised those stupid enough to listen to her that the census information would be used to track people down for quick shipment to Obama's concentration camps.

Predictable. Very sad, very aggravating, but predictable-as predictable as the Beck fan in Pittsburgh who ended the lives of 3 cops.

S.W. Anderson said...

I don't know if those fools with shotguns were influenced by Bachmann, but it's clear they were flat out crazy. So, it wouldn't be surprising if they were influenced by her.

Tim said...

You did a great service finding out about this. As usual the best reporting is done via blogs.

Tim said...

I wish cameras are on her when someone confronts her with the possible influence she had on these people. She'll start her dance of attrition.