
The views represented here are mine and I hope to add a little bit of humor to our sad state of affairs.

My Address is http://timsscaredstiff.com

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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Money,Money ,Money

I've been trying to find out how much money we spend on Energy in the USA. I haven't been successful. For the sake of argument let's say it's a trillion dollars. Now we have some who say drill baby drill as our way of dealing with buying oil overseas. Lot's of problems with that,one being for National Security our Oil should be saved for the Military. Who ever heard of missiles and tanks running on batteries. I always harp on History but remember lack of fuel is what was instrumental in Germany's defeat in WWII. Some say (like BP petroleum) that Gas is the key to survival. After all we have enough for 100 years by Gawd. That's like almost forever! Oh by the way BP is British Petroleum. I think what needs to be done is yet another Gov. take over. Let the Gov. run all energy in this country, electric, gas, oil,wind,solar, nuclear and what ever else they come up with. Have that money go directly to running the country and paying down the debt. You say No No not the Gov. I say enough with us paying for all the taxes. We need a little help. Oh yeah let's send Iraq the bill for the war. We did it to Germany.
Kuwait paid for the first Gulf War. It would also stop the bullshit debate on Health Reform cause we would have the stinking money. Perhaps Taxes could after time be cut.Now wouldn't that be nice. I see no other way of securing our future.

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